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Monday, September 20, 2010

Wistful Wishes

I wish i had the wings of a bird,
to soar up high amidst the heavenly clouds.

I wish i was a carefree gypsy,
to travel and explore strange lands indefinitely.

I wish i was invisible at times,
to go anywhere anytime i wished.

I wish i had a true soul mate.
to love and being loved in return.

I wish i had the ability,
to heal all the sick and dying.

I wish i had enough money,
to donate to the poor and needy.

I wish i had a magical power,
to eradicate hatred amongst people.

I wish i could bring immense joy,
to the faces of all deprived orphans.

I wish the world was free from terror,
let only love and peace reside.

I wish i was a wild horse set free,
to gallop across the green country side.

I wish i was an astronaut,
to be in space and explore the moon.

I wish i had the power,
to predict the future and see the unseen.

I wish and i wish alas for numerous things!!
Wistful wishes of an ordinary mind...

Thursday, September 9, 2010


How appealing is your innocence,
To our hearts, a warmth it brings.

The joyful twinkle in your eyes,
A charming sight, it bestows.

The playful laughter of your voice,
To even the depressed, brings a smile.

Your spoken broken words,
Oh, what a heartful joy to our ears!

The moody smiles on your face,
A priceless treasure for our eyes.

Your tiny hands and feets,
So adorable and delicate to our touch.

Your pure ignorant mind,
A divine state, for us to capture.

Your numerous activities,
A delightful company to forget worldy woes.

Your unmoulded naive serene soul,
Purest form of human being enthralled.

This world would be a better place,
if we still had your innocent ways!!

Sunday, September 5, 2010


When succumbed by emotions,
Never try stop them.

Emotions seek freedom.
Unleash them, set them free,

Emotions are wild horses,
Let them run wild.

Emotions are simply outrageous.
Let them be.

Emotions are hot like a fire.
Let them burn.

Emotions are turbulent waves.
Let them flow.

Emotions drive us insane at times.
Let them make you more human.

Emotions are volcanic eruptions.
Let them take you by surprise.

Let go of your true emotions,
Come,follow your heart...