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Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Amidst the veil of darkness,
Time slowly ticking by,
Street dogs barking,
Trees swaying, intoxicated,
The stars glowing,
in the night sky,
Somewhere i hear,
a baby crying,
A car passing by,
The dim lit appealing,
vacant courtyard,
The soft humming breeze,
shivering my flesh,
tempting me,
to close my eyes,
under the tender warmth
of my soft blanket,
but still sleepless, i lay
with eager dreams ornamented,
upon the edge of my eyelids,
with random vivid thoughts,
encompassing my mind,
embracing my pillow,
i am waiting, sighing,
for sleep to dawn,
upon my exhausted being,
putting an end,
to the infinite explorations,
draping the silent racing forms,
locking the door,
of my blazing eyes,
if only for a while...


pRasad said...

I was not knowing you write poem sooo well !!.. Do girls have some super natural power to have control over words ?.. :)

Liked the poem for imagination & for the words that you choosed ! :)

Lisa said...

Thanks a lot for liking not dat gud with words..still learning..however this one was really based on a sleepless night..since i could not sleep, i jotted down some lines :) and strangely i got sleep after posting it..

Readers Dais said...

Hi! Lisa,

Good night and sleep with a smile.... :)

good attempt.

Lisa said...

Sure i will..Thank u for ur appreciation..

anupama said...

Dear Lisa,
Good Morning!
When sleep is away,
Listen to soft music,
Take a magazine for light reading,
Rearrage the stuff of bedroom......
Think of your blessings,
Cherish the most beautiful smile,
Believ,sleep is all yours!
But now,wake up!it's a beautiful rainy morning!
Wishing you a lovely day ahead,

Lisa said...

Thank u so much Anu for the lovely tips..Sadly its not raining now in Bangalore :( so i envy u but anyways wish u a nice day ahead too..Best wishes..