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Thursday, September 9, 2010


How appealing is your innocence,
To our hearts, a warmth it brings.

The joyful twinkle in your eyes,
A charming sight, it bestows.

The playful laughter of your voice,
To even the depressed, brings a smile.

Your spoken broken words,
Oh, what a heartful joy to our ears!

The moody smiles on your face,
A priceless treasure for our eyes.

Your tiny hands and feets,
So adorable and delicate to our touch.

Your pure ignorant mind,
A divine state, for us to capture.

Your numerous activities,
A delightful company to forget worldy woes.

Your unmoulded naive serene soul,
Purest form of human being enthralled.

This world would be a better place,
if we still had your innocent ways!!


pRasad said...

What a beautiful piece of writing..

I simply lovvvvvvveeedd the way you have expressed all these things in words..:)

I am a bit astonished that how you haven't missed even a single detail..just superb!

Joy Palakkal said...

So sweet and innocent flowers of this World!!!
Have a Nice week end..