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Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Edge

With a mind
numb with pain,
the teary eyed girl
walked upto the edge
of the bridge.
The dark waters
floating down,
in the darkness,
coaxing her,
to be amongst
its unseen depths.

Standing on her toes,
her soul tempted,
her heart beats paused,
she spread her arms wide,
with closed eyes,
she took the plunge down,
with one last breadth,
one last smile,
one last tear,
as she became one
with the waters,
she was set free forever.
Soon a new day
will begin,
without her struggles
with the world.

3 comments: said...

nice :)

Unknown said...

While reading the poem I can feel the fear and pain inside the girl.. pain expressed so vividly and effortlessly

Lisa said...

Feels good to know someone felt her pain..thanks :)