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Friday, November 5, 2010

Mesmerizing Diwali

As the first sound of crackers boom in the sky,
My heart gladdens at the arrival of Diwali again.

People old or young welcome this festival of lights,
A joyful day full of happiness for all the souls.

Shedding the darkness by lighting oil lamps,
the colorful flower pots such a bliss to view.

My lips curve with joy as i survey the magic of Diwali,
the silver dazzling fireworks materializing in the night sky.

Today is a day to celebrate and make merry,
Make someone else smile and feel the true joy.

So Let us hope with each passing Diwali,
We never forget to pray and live for others.


pRasad said...

That's why I say you are cutee..;)

Liked the fact that you care about others ..Nice post.

pRasad said...

and....Happy Diwali:)

Gaurav said...

Simple but beautiful essence...

I might be little late but still "Happy Diwali".

Lisa said...

Thank u sooo much Prasad & Gaurav..Belated Happy Diwali guys..Hope u had lots of fun :)